“You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes and ask for help”
Haptotherapy is a therapy based on the feeling and experience of affective affirmative contact, which produces a sense of belonging. When your feelings and thoughts are not in accordance with the life that you lead, all kinds of physical and mental issues, ailments and problems can occur. Haptotherapy brings you more in touch with what you feel and how you deal them. The goal is that thinking and feeling come into balance (again). This increases your resilience, so that you are more vital and stronger in life.

In the haste of daily life, we often have to switch focus quickly. We tend to make assumptions and fill in a lot for others. Asking these questions, of ourselves and of others, is sometimes skipped. Yet it turns out to be one of the most important steps to take before you can actually define possible solutions.