About us?
“Life is a journey to experience, not a problem that needs to be solved”
We are Ineke Dicker and Harm Muntinga. In 1994 we started our practice in the Hofje van Pauw. We became enthusiastic about the haptonomy from their physiotherapeutic background. We both have extensive experience with both individual therapy and supervising the dynamic of group processes. For us, haptotherapy is a tool to bring people into contact with their true selves.
Ineke Dicker
Harm Muntinga
The therapists working at Hofje van Pauw are registered with the professional associations NVPA and VVH and with the umbrella organization RBCZ. They are members of the Dutch Association of Psychologists, Psychosocial Therapists and Agogen (Nederlands Verbond voor Psychologen, Psychosociaal Therapeuten en Agogen)( NVPA) and the Association of Haptotherapists (Vereniging van Haptotherapeuten)(VVH).