Stress management
“You cannot save time. You can only spend time in either sensible or stupid way”
Who wants to have a problem? That is why people relegate problems to the background, and do not want to face them. In the meantime, the problem grows and becomes worse.
Pooh feeling
The moment you lose the connection with your body, you can not longer feel how your capacities interacts with the obligations that have been requested of you. You became tired and listless or just be overstimulated. The feeling of “ pooh pooh “ By using the haptonomic phenomena you can restore the connection with your body and emotions. We guide you in how you can work better with your body. In this way you restore trust and convidence. You develop tools how you can deal better with stress and how you can possibly prevent it. We nalurally link this to the acquistion of knowledge about stress.
Work-related stress
Hofje van Pauw has been a supporter of “A Healthy Workplace – Healthy work is work without chronic stress”. This campaign has developed a large number of tools.
Hofje van Pauw has developed through years of experience a method to assist employees to find their balance to achieve a healthy work environment.
Quick test workload
The drops symbolise the degree of overflows and work stress. How many drops can you catch before your bucket flows over? Where are the drops coming from? Do the test to recognize the drops and their causes. Discover when it is getting too much. Get tips on how to prevent them. Improve your work situation.